Our Live Life Philosophy

Graduating with a Business Degree as a mature student in the 90’s following many years of working crazy hours in the hospitality industry and doing the best I knew how in raising my young son, my targeted next step had to be more consistency for home life. I moved into the corporate world where I increasingly thrived within large-medium organisations such as Thomson Reuters and Telefonica O2. I was on a constant roll in work life and yet there was a deeper yearning for something beyond this, I know now this is living with purpose and meaning. The thing is when you’re busy trying to juggle a lot of things, there is little time to take care of that deeper sense of self, but the truth is lack of this care is not a sustainable way to live life. I was funnelling myself into a life that I thought I should be living rather than taking the time to listen to what my whole-system was signalling to me, I didn’t listen then.

I experienced what I can only describe as an existential crisis, it was the scariest time of my life. After some time off, this led me to deeply question how I was living, giving myself this time to find spaciousness and heal ended up being a catalyst for the greatest change in my life. I found this time of life extremely challenging and I knew I had to seek out the the people and resources to support myself. Through research and recommendations these came in many forms; yoga/meditation, coping mechanisms, coaching support and how to prioritise my time and energy.
Having always been curious about human behaviour, values and beliefs and looking at why we live and work…. the idea for Saol Beo – Irish for ‘Live Life’ ignited.
In my 50th year, I now have a grounded strength, I know that this as a result of the practices, teachings and self-care, it hasn’t come easy and requires effort and discipline every day and I love my life. Yes there comes challenge and stressful situations, I have coping mechanisms in place and a depth of awareness to know what I need to do and if I don’t know…I wait, I find space, pull back and nourish myself with a toolkit of resources. I know I can share my life experiences and qualified technniques with other women in order to support them find their own sense of purpose and meaning with a deep satisfaction and enjoyment in life.


I have always been interested in natural remedies and healing products, it was part of my upbringing where natures remedies were close by. I aligned this curiosity with continuous education over the years, building my knowledge and expertise within the areas of Holistic Therapy and Training, including qualifications in Homeopathy, Coaching with Neuroscience, Advanced Yoga & Meditation Teaching, alongside becoming Dr. Hauschka’s UK and Ireland Brand Ambassador and Therapist trainer in mindful and organic skin care and treatments - each discipline an imperative element in the beginning of Saol Beo. Early in my career, I had a constant nudge to work for myself, scary and daunting as it was, I went for it, having all the information I could gather and feeling a strength in my standing, I knew with my training and skill that I could help others.

My calling to support people in finding strength with harmony in their lives came from my ability to recognise patterns, take the information from my learnings and external resources, put it into a coherent supportive structure and teach it. This is how my programme for women came to be.

The name for the business is her wish for women, Saol Beo – Living Life now. I not only care about happiness but even more so, fulfilment and satisfaction. Life is full of ebbs and flows, rhythm, dark and light - Saol Beo offers more than treatments and mindful movement, Saol Beo is the scaffolding that supports clients’ transformation – rooting to rise and nurturing that self-belief to get things done whilst respecting values and fostering that inner and innate intelligence. With my expertise, warmth, and years of experience, I tread softly – inviting in new ideas and patterns, enabling women to believe in themselves with a strong rooted foundation.

Through my uniquely designed holistic methodology of combining 3 core strength and wellness pillars: Mind (Neuroscience), Body Restorative Treatments), and Spirituality (Mindful Movement), I curate a space where women rediscover their strength and balance, so they are ready to set themselves up for success, in both work and home life.


Tara O Rourke