What we do… Practices and Products Explained

What is Mindful Movement?
Tara will guide you through gentle stretches to release tension in physical body, then to conscious breathing with movement, inviting in spaciousness and a shift in energy. Your attention and focus shifts to noticing and feeling what your body does while engaging in movement. It is a whole-system focus (mind, body and speech) and practice of being aware of your body’s intelligence - this integration practice recognises how different our own body and mind are in their ‘parts’ yet works in finding a beautiful commonality and support - as in our external environment we also have an internal environment that we need to nurture. Mindful movement allows you to recognise the capability and potential of your true Self.

What is Holistic Treatment?
Holistic medicine means consideration of the complete person in the management and prevention of disease physically, psychologically, socially and spiritually. It is underpinned by the concept that there is a link between our physical health and our more general 'well-being'.

In an holistic approach to medicine, there is the belief that our well-being relies not just on what is going on in our body physically in terms of illness or disease, but also on the close inter-relation of this with our psychological, emotional, social, spiritual and environmental state. These different states can be equally important. They should be managed together so that a person is treated as a whole.

What is Coaching with Neuroscience?

Neuroscience is the study of the brain and the nervous system and how these systems function physiologically to transform sensory stimuli into output, actions and/or reactions. Coaching is another transformative process of guiding and enabling change within a coachee for positive outcomes.
Coupling these two provides a deep impact emphasis of self-awareness about how one’s brain is wired to process information, learn and create habits while simultaneously using that awareness to dismantle self-limiting beliefs, doubts, anxieties, narrow perspectives and biases. This enables a new road map to be created that will form positive habits, thoughts, perspectives and actions. 
Thus, neuroscience-based coaching can redirect your brain to minimise (and eventually negate) the pathways that block your potential by forming fresh and productive ones that override it — thereby creating lasting, beneficial impact.

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is both a science and an art and embodies what we envision as a truly twenty-first century medicine. Homeopathy is a sustainable healing system that respects the wisdom of the body and recognizes that symptoms of ill health are expressions of an imbalance in the whole person.
Homeopathy works, and it does so in both a gentle and effective way. It is a system that uses minute doses of medicine to stimulate the patient’s own healing responses and individualises these according to the totality of the patient’s physical emotional and mental symptoms. Homeopathy is a truly holistic and sustainable system of medicine that seeks to restore the patient to health in the gentlest, most effective and permanent way possible. The restoration of a patient’s health is realised according to clearly established and proven homeopathic principles.
Homeopathy is therefore holistic and treats individuals rather than diagnosed diseases, it also recognises that people function on several levels and that illness is often a result of factors like stress, grief or anxiety for example. These factors are all taken into account when prescribing during the homeopathic consultation. Therefore the Homeopath will treat a person as a whole with every aspect of their person being taken into account during treatment with the aim of restoring health and well-being.


Dr.Hauschka Skin Care

The Dr Hauschka brand offers a range of natural skin care and beauty products. The products utilise the healing and therapeutic properties of nature to restore and maintain healthy skin. The company is dedicated to protecting and preserving the environment, and has as an ethos underpinned by eco-friendly principles.

Dr. Hauschka products cater for all skin types and conditions from dry skin to reddened skin to oily skin and more. The quality of this range of skincare products cannot be matched. It is for this reason, that the range has been honoured with so many prestigious awards. Dr.Hauschka Skin Care

Nunaïa Skin Care

Nunaïa is founded on our ‘Beauty Within’ philosophy. They believe in an authentic beauty that is particular to every woman. This is much more than simply surface deep, and naturally flows from a deep sense of inner balance, well-being and connection.
Ritual has been used for thousands of years to give people a greater sense of connection and meaning in their lives. It is an essential human practice.
For Nunaïa, skincare is a self-care ritual. Their Nourishing Radiance Serum Ritual has been crafted to nourish, restore and renew not just your skin, but to encourage your overall well-being and inner balance. They know that when your skin glows, and you feel in balance, you look and feel great and have more energy for the important things in life: your family, your friends - and you. Nunaïa

Sasta Skin Care

The roots of the Sásta story are firmly planted in founder Michelle's family history. As a baby Michelle's son suffered from inflamed, itchy and dry skin. His skin would heal and flare up again, regardless of the steroid creams prescribed by the doctor. Having been a skin therapist for over 10 years at this point, Michelle started to research solutions that would fix and prevent her sons condition, instead of temporarily treating it. And thus began the growth of Michelle's interest in the world of the microbiome. It was evident to her that we needed to re-look at what and how we were treating our skin microbiome.
14 years later, Michelle's passion for protecting, restoring and maintaining the skin microbiome has flourished and branched out, leading her to create Sásta Skinhealth. She is on a mission to discover how our modern lifestyle can cause skin dybiosis and through microbiome friendly skin health solutions she wants to reset the skin's protective eco-system. Sasta Skin Health